Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A couple of weeks testing my nerves.

Ok, I am now 26 weeks pregnant! I just came from a doctor's appt where she informed me that everything looks great with me and the baby, what great news. We are getting ready to go on our family vacation in a couple of weeks and I will have to go back to see my doctor the day before we leave to do a glucose test and have the doctor check my cervix to ensure I haven't started dialating.

A couple of weeks ago, on a Sunday afternoon, I started feeling pretty bad. I had a horrible pain in my right, lower side. The pain started out a little concerning then progressively got worse throughout the day. Derek was planning to take one of his finals that day so I tried really hard to stay calm and wait it out to see if I would start feeling better. Around 5pm I tried to get out of the bed to use the restroom only to find I couldn't even sit up on my own the pain had gotten so bad. I thought I had appendicidous or a ruptured ovararian cyst of some sort. I had to call him in to help me and he told me that we should probably go somewhere to get it looked at if I was in that much pain. Long story short, we went to the emergency room and I was admitted to the hospital since I am more than 20 wks pregnant...common procudure for pregnant folk. After about 3 hours of monitoring the baby and making me wait for a doctor to show up, the told me that it was something called round ligament pain. I told Derek that there was no way in the world it could be pain from a stretching ligament due to a growing uterus! The pain was so bad I couldn't believe the diagnosis. I had packed my bags to stay for a few days at the hospital because I thought I was going to need surgery on something. Thank goodness the diagnosis was something so simple and non threatening to me or the baby. Several of the nurses commented on how cooprative our little sweet baby is. They said they had never seen such a good baby at nearly 25 weeks. The baby was easy to monitor which I guess they typically aren't at that gestational age. Hope the baby stays cooperative! :)

On a side note, shortly after recovering from the soreness of my expanding ligaments, Derek and I were alseep one night and out of nowhere....a knee, right in my stomach! Derek must have had a dream about something and kicked me right in the stomach pretty hard. It startled both of us and I wasn't able to go back to sleep for about an hour.

This is going to be one tough baby!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Week 24

Well, this week marks the start of month 6. I have been able to consistently feel the baby move now for the last 4 weeks. This, of course, keeps me sane while I am in between doctors appts. It has been 3 full weeks now since I have seen my baby and thank heavens I can feel him otherwise, I am certain I would be driving myself and Derek crazy. In addition to being able to feel the baby move better I can also now observe her many kicks by looking at my stomach. It is incredibly interesting to me and I could sit for hours and just feel and watch the baby move. I wonder what the baby looks like and what he's doing in there. I just love it!