Thursday, April 17, 2008

My many sonograms

To date, I have had 11 sonograms and I am in week 20. Sonograms at this frequency are discouraged unless there is reason to keep a close eye on the development of the baby or in my case, the mother. I am really glad that I have a doctor that caught a couple of potential issues and is willing to spend the time monitoring things to ensure we are aware of and prepared for potential problems.

In the meantime, while my doctor is monitoring things, I get that absolute pleasure of seeing my baby develop over time. Just a couple of weeks ago, the sonographer, Linda, began her assessment of my cervix and there, plain as day, are these 2 perfect little feet sticking straight out as if to say, someone pay attention to me! The following week as she was scanning for brain development, she suddenly stopped and got excited (which is nice to know other people that see this stuff all day long still get excited) and told me to look quickly. The baby was taking large gulps of fluid into his mouth! I was so amazed. His mouth and face were so distinct and easy to decipher. Linda said he must be hungry and I agreed since I had not had anything for lunch and I was starving. Honestly, that has to be the best thing I have seen to date on any sonogram. That does bring to mind my 12 week sonogram though. Derek and I went in for our 12 week video and the baby was in the wrong position to see a profile and was upside down, things just didn't seem to be going very well for the video and then suddenly, the baby starts jumping like a little bean, up and down, firmly pushing off with his feet and bouncing around. I loved that almost as much as the gulping. Last week, I saw the babies little nose and lips just as plain as day. I can't wait to see what this sweet baby is going to look like!

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