Friday, April 25, 2008

Week 21

Hi All, I just got back from week 21 sonogram...very exciting! Doctor says my placenta has moved up another 3 mm and my cervix looks good. One more appt. and she is going to feel confident that the 2 issues should be just fine. I must admit, I will really miss seeing the baby every week. I will have to go 4 whole weeks without seeing the baby. Kinda makes me sad but if that means that all is well, that's the important thing.

So, now on to the fun stuff. Last week I had the male sonographer and he had no interest in seeing anything but the cervix and placenta, boring! This week, I saw Linda again...thank heavens! She always checks the heartbeat and explores to make sure all looks well with the baby. She did a 3D scan today which is somewhat odd. She said it looks funny because the baby is still pretty skinny at this point in time. It was really neat though. The baby now has a sense of touch and books I have read say they begin investigating things on their bodies at this time. This must be true because during the entire 3D scan, he (or she) was touching his face and rubbing his eyes. I got to see him swallowing again which is really neat too. Cutest thing though was when he decides to investigate his foot. He raised his entire leg up and put his toes on his nose right while we were watching! I loved it!!! I have a great picture of it as well.

Everything looks great with the baby and things appear to be looking better for me as well. I am going to have a smile on my face all day and likely all weekend after seeing how cute our baby is.
What a miracle!

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